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What is FourteenFish?


FourteenFish is an online training portfolio, created in 2012, that is designed for GP trainees to document evidence of their Workplace Based Assessments (WPBA), hold details of their Royal College of General Practice (RCGP) examinations (such as AKT, SCA etc) and record their reflections and learning. 


The portfolio is managed by the trainee but reviewed by their Educational and Clinical Supervisors, who help the trainee develop and build the necessary competency skills to pass their annual appraisals until their Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT). This is training that is taken from both hospital and primary care experience.


How to apply to FourteenFish?

You can register as an 'Associate in Training' on the RCGP website. You must do this prior to the start of training. 


Training Portfolio assessments and requirements​​


Once a GP trainees starts their training and are signed up to FourteenFish, there are a set of WPBA requirements that they must complete per training year in order to pass their Annual Review of Competence. The minimum requirements for completing assessments is pro rated if a trainee works only part time. This occurs throughout their training until their CCT date. The requirements are:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​





WPBA 1.png

Where on the portfolio can I document these WPBA assessments?​

All assessments and supporting documentation can be added to your review period. Review periods typically last 6 months depending on the trainee's individual circumstances and a trainee can add as many entries to the review period as needed, so long as it meets the minimum requirements.  


The start date of a Review Period will either be the date the trainee's training starts or the first day after the trainee's last ESR meeting. The end date will be the date of the trainee's ESR meeting with their Educational Supervisor. After that the ESR can be signed off by both ES and trainee for a new ESR to be opened. 


How ESRs appear on your portfolio:







The above image is an example of a trainee's training journey, as can be seen on their FourteenFish home page. Once a review period has been signed off it will turn green, which signifies its completion. Other assessments, and CSRs, including exams (if passed), will be highlighted in green/blue once completed too. This is then ready for the yearly panel who will review all the evidence and determine whether you are competent enough to move onto next level. The ARCP will also be highlighted in green to demonstrate this. Ambers show if the trainee has failed their exam and/or ARCP or do not have sufficient evidence on their ESR.


Below provides a monthly timeline of deadlines for review periods, other learning logs, exams and ARCPs. This will differ for those who start in February, and exact dates will be pro rated for those LTFT.






Membership of Royal College of General Practice (MRCGP) Exams 

The MRCGP exams for GP training require the trainee to complete two exams before they can qualify to be a GP. These exams are: Applied Knowledge Test (AKT) and Simulated Consultation Assessment (SCA).



The Applied Knowledge Test is a computer based assessment that forms part of the MRCGP, assessing competency on clinical expertise.



The Simulated Consultation Assessment assesses a GP candidate's abilities to interrogate and apply clinical, professional and communicational skills.


The timeline above shows when to expect your examinations.


More information, including video walkthroughs can be found here. 




Ischia administrates the Fourteenfish system for our programme. Contact her on if you are having any issues. Support can also be found via 

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